November 29, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Francini-Pontier
Singer: Raul Beron
Year Recorded: 1946

Tango Video of The Week

The great milonguero Carlos Gavito, known for his intense masculine energy, dances with the famous tanguera Geraldine Paludi (nee Rojas).

Orchestra: Osvaldo Pugliese
Year Recorded: 1955

Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Singer: Alberto Echague
Year Recorded: 1939

Blog Post of The Week

One of the bloggers at "Milonga para tres" states his preference of music to be played at a milonga.

Quote of The Week

"The secret of tango is in this impossible moment of improvisation that happens between step and step. It is to make the impossible thing possible, to dance silence...A good dancer is one who listens to the music...We dance the music not the steps."

- Carlos Gavito

Humour/Cynism of The Week


November 17, 2010


Music of The Week

"Re fa si"
Orchestra: Rodolfo Biagi
Year Recorded: 1940

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, Ney Melo and Jennifer Bratt dance a Tango here in Toronto during. They are a well-known American couple who represent Traditional (i.e. social) Argentine Tango very elegantly.

"Tus labios me diran"
Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Singer: Jorge Duran
Year Recorded: 1945

Blog Post of The Week

Jantango, of the blog "Tango Chamuyo", gives her thoughts on "chan chan".

Quote of The Week

"What does chan chan have to do with tango? They are how musicians and lovers of tango verbalize the last two notes of tango."

- Jantango

Etiquette of The Week


November 08, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Alfredo Gobbi
Year Recorded: 1949

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, Juan Esquivel and Susy Tilbe dance a beautiful Tango in a homage to the composer Carlos Di Sarli.

"El ingeniero"
Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Year Recorded: 1955

Blog Post of The Week

"Limerick Tango" writes of the importance of feeling comfortable while dancing Tango in his blog post.

Quote of The Week

"Stand up straight, relax, let your skeleton do the work not your muscles, breath."

- Limerick Tango

Etiquette of The Week


October 27, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Miguel Calo
Singers: Raul Beron
Year Recorded: 1942

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, the beautiful Isabel Acuna and our "maestro" Andres Laza Moreno start off the Sydney Tango Festival with a stunning Tango demo.

"La vida es corta"
Orchestra: Ricardo Tanturi
Singer: Alberto Castillo
Year Recorded: 1941

Blog Post of The Week

"The Accidental Tangoist" shares a link to an NPR article and podcast in their post "Science of the Embrace?" Perhaps we can further understand why the (close) embrace is so special.

Quote of The Week

"Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order."

- Samuel Beckett

Etiquette of The Week


October 18, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Lucio Demare
Singers: Juan Carlos Miranda
Year Recorded: 1942

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, Jorge Dispari & Maria del Carmen (parents of well-known dancers Samantha Dispari and Geraldine Rojas/Paludi) dance a Tango while touring in Belgium.

"Tres esquinas"
Orchestra: Angel D'Agostino
Singer: Angel Vargas
Year Recorded: 1941

Blog Post of The Week

Seeing as the video for this week is Jorge Dispari, it seems only fitting to share a blog post by "En tus brazos" that relays the lessons taught by Dispari in a class taken by the tanguera Golondria.

Quote of The Week

"The embrace should be an embrace and not just finger tips. The women should have a little upwards pressure. The man should enclose her."

- Jorge Dispari as rephrased by Golondrina of "En tus brazos" blog

Etiquette of The Week


October 07, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Osvaldo Fresedo
Singers: Ricardo Ruiz
Year Recorded: 1940

Tango Video of The Week

This week's video returns us to the younger generation of Tango dancers. Diego Converti and Graciela Gamba are performing a Tango at the Sunderland Club in Buenos Aires.

Orchestra: Osvaldo Fresedo
Singer: Ricardo Ruiz
Year Recorded: 1941

Blog Post of The Week

"Tango-L" is a forum (or Listserve) where members discuss and debate all things Tango. In "this thread", two members debate the reasons dancers fear the close embrace.

Quote of The Week

"Getting outside of one's ethnocentric worldview and understanding what the tango culture of Buenos Aires offers provides a new and rewarding experience."

- Ron (member of Tango-L)

Etiquette of The Week


September 29, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Year Recorded: 1937

Tango Video of The Week

This weekend (September 24th, 2010) the Milonguero Alberto Dassieu, and his partner Paulina Spinoso, will be visiting and teaching in Toronto (hosted by Paradiso). In this video, Alberto dances a "vals" (Tango waltz) with the Milonguera Elba Biscay.

"Valsecito Criollo"
Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Year Recorded: 1937

Blog Post of The Week

"Tango Principles" has a wealth of historical information to share from his collection of experiences in Buenos Aires. In this post, he shares many important things he was told by the "old-timers".

Quote of The Week

"El tango es uno."
"The tango is one" or "There is only one tango."

"This is, in my opinion, the most important saying of the old-timers, which will probably sound very controversial nowadays. It points at the fact that tango dancing has a certain essential nature, that what is "good tango" is not arbitrary."

- Anonymous Milonguero on Tango Principles

Etiquette of The Week

RESPECT TANGO  Argentine Tango is more than a dance and more than just steps. Argentine Tango encompasses traditions, codes, and a culture. To cast these aside is to disrespect them. Take the time to educate yourself on all the aspects of Argentine Tango.

September 22, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Tipica Victor
Singer: Angel Vargas
Year Recorded: 1938

Tango Video of The Week

Following the last "This Week" video, here are Carlos and Rosa Perez performing in 1996 at the milonga "Salon Canning". This couple taught the couple in last week's video and they have taught many of the previous winners of the World Tango Championships in Buenos Aires.

"El choclo"
Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Year Recorded: 1953

Blog Post of The Week

Here is a post by "Tango Pilgrim" on the concept of floorcraft in a milonga.

Quote of The Week

"It sounds obvious but a leader needs to lead. I have to communicate to my follower what I want them to do. Sometimes I forget to do this physically and try to do it telepathically instead."


Etiquette of The Week

DON'T OBJECTIFY  Men, remember that you are dancing with a woman. Do not make her into your rag doll by dragging her around the dance floor. Women, remember that you are dancing with a man. Do not make him into your coat rack by leaning and weighing on him.

September 15, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Osvaldo Pugliese
Singer: Roberto Chanel
Year Recorded: 1943

Tango Video of The Week

Every year the World Tango Championships take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This year, the winners of the "Tango Salon" category were Sebastian Jimenez and Maria Ines Bogado. Although the combination of "competition" and "the feeling of a social and improvised dance" are quite the oxymoron, this young couple show that the tradition of Argentine Tango will continue to live on.

"El taita (Raza criolla)"
Orchestra: Osvaldo Pugliese
Year Recorded: 1945

Blog Post of The Week

"Tango Bora" writes beautifully about the reasons she could never leave Tango and why Tango is such a difficult dance to learn.

Quote of The Week

"Don't dance for the audience; dance for yourself."

- Bob Fosse

Etiquette of The Week

FOLLOW  Ladies, it is your job to follow/accompany the man. Although there may be moments when you can insert something of your own, it is a rare occassion and happens only with a leader who listens to his partner. A simple rule is that the man leads and the woman responds to that lead.

July 26, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Anibal Troilo
Singer: Francisco Fiorentino
Year Recorded: 1942

Tango Video of The Week

Following the last "This Week" video, here are Lidia and Lito
Filippini performing in 1991 for a special performance put together to showcase many milongueros.

"Quejas de Bandoneon"
Orchestra: Anibal Troilo
Year Recorded: 1958

Blog Post of The Week

"El firulete" is a blog written by a Tango couple who danced with many of the great milongueros. This post is an interview with the milonguero Mingo Pugliese. It gives a wonderful insight into the past of this man and the Tango.

Quote of The Week

"This is something that I want to make real clear; men never danced with each other, because to dance is to go to a milonga. Men practiced in the streets, on the corners."

- Mingo Pugliese

Etiquette of The Week

BEGINNERS  Always be kind and supportive to beginners; it does not take much to scare one away from Tango for life. Do not attempt to teach them on the dancefloor or tell them what they are doing "wrong". Try to compliment their dancing and remember that Tango isn't easy!

July 12, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Singer: Alberto Echague
Year Recorded: 1938

Tango Video of The Week

In 1991, the late milonguero, Puppy Castello, performed with Graciela Gonzalez. This night was a special performance put together to showcase many milongueros.

"El Cencerro"
Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Year Recorded: 1944

Blog Post of The Week

"In Search of Tango" published a wonderfully written post that ponders the alienation and destruction of traditional Tango - including its codes and culture.

Quote of The Week

"Tango is a free dance, but it is not a you-can-do-whatever-you-want dance."


Etiquette of The Week

BETWEEN TANDAS  When dancing at a milonga, you are expected to leave the dance floor in between tandas (a tanda is a group of 3 or 4 songs) when the cortina is playing (a cortina is a short piece of non-tango music played between tandas). Generally, you will dance one tanda at a time with any given partner. However, if you would like to dance with the same person again, return to your seats and when the new tanda begins, you may resume your dance partnership.

June 28, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Alfredo De Angelis
Singer: Carlos Dante / Julio Martel
Year Recorded: 1945

Tango Video of The Week

A young up-and-coming couple, Florencia Labiano and Hernan Rodriguez, dance to a vals:

"Mi novia de ayer"
Orchestra: Alfredo De Angelis
Singer: Floreal Ruiz
Year Recorded: 1944

Blog Post of The Week

In this blog post at "Tango Beat" Mark Word writes about making Tango green and sustainable.

Quote of The Week

"Bailar no es hacer una figura tras otra... El baile es lo que
hacemos entre figura y figura..."

(To dance is not to do figure after figure... The dance is what we do in between figures...)

- Jose "El Turco" Brahemcha

Etiquette of The Week

DANCE FLOOR REAL ESTATE  If you are not dancing, show respect to those who are by not walking through the busy dance floor. Stay clear of the dance space - do not stand in the dance lanes to talk and walk around the perimeter of the floor to get where you are going. First priority goes to the dance and the dancers.

June 07, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Osvaldo Fresedo
Singer: Roberto Ray
Year Recorded: 1934

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, the milonguero Ruben Harymbat dances with Alicia Pons. They are dancing to:

"Tigre Viejo"
Orchestra: Osvaldo Fresedo
Year Recorded: 1934

Blog Post of The Week

Perhaps this post at "In Search of Tango" is somewhat pessimistic on its views of where Tango is heading, however it does remind us of what to look for in dancers of Argentine Tango.

Quote of The Week

"Please, just for me, forget the steps...hold me, feel the music, and give me your soul. Then I can give you mine."


Etiquette of The Week

DON'T APOLOGIZE  Tango is found in the music, the embrace, and the walk. It is also found in the imperfections. There is no need to continuously apologize to your partner if you make mistakes. Besides, it's not always easy to know which of you actually made the mistake ;)

May 10, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Year Recorded: 1944

Tango Video of The Week

A young couple by the name Dante Sanchez & Angelica Avalos dance quite simply, cleanly, and musically at the well-known Saturday milonga Sunderland Club. They are dancing to:

"El Ingeniero"
Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Year Recorded: 1945

Blog Post of The Week

Sandra Mok wrote an article for the Argentine Tango school in Taipei regarding Javier Rodriguez, one of our influential Tango teachers in Buenos Aires. Read the article here and see what she learned about the importance of the embrace and attitude in Tango.

Quote of The Week

"The music goes in my ears, is filtered through my heart, and comes out through my feet."

- "El Flaco" Dany Garcia

Etiquette of The Week

SURRENDER  One of the elements of Tango that makes it so different from so many other dances is the idea that if you are not truly embracing your partner and listening and dancing to the music, you are not really dancing the dance. In order to dance Tango, you must surrender. Surrender yourself to your partner, surrender yourself to the music, and surrender yourself to the dance.

May 04, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Francisco Canaro
Singer: Ernesto Fama
Year Recorded: 1939

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, the old and new generations of Tango come together to dance to a milonga rhythm. Unfortunately, we do not know the specifics of this song, but the dancers are Luna Palacios and the milonguero "El Flaco" Dani Garcia.

Blog Post of The Week

At Naomi Hotta's website you can find 10 great tips for Tango dancers.

Quote of The Week

"...the music is king and the embrace is the thing."


Etiquette of The Week

COLLISIONS  It is good manners to apologize when you are involved in a collision with another couple - even when it isn't your fault. However, if flying legs, spins or dips were a result of the collision, feel free to educate the couple on proper floorcraft etiquette.

April 26, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Angel D'Agostino
Singer: Angel Vargas
Year Recorded: 1945

Tango Video of The Week

This lovely young couple are a delight to watch. Here, Roxana Suarez and Sebastian Achaval dance in the famous milonga "Sunderland Club"

"Cafe Dominguez"
Orchestra: Angel D'Agostino
Singer/Narrator: Julian Centeya
Year Recorded: 1955

Blog Post of The Week

Tango Cherie speaks about foreigners who go to Buenos Aires for Tango but do not expose themselves to the culture that makes Tango what it is.

Quote of The Week

"Tango is in the imperfections."


Etiquette of The Week

A TANDA  Although the codes are not strict here in North America, there is still an etiquette involved when it comes to dancing a tanda. A tanda is a collection of either 4 Tangos, 3 Vals, or 3 Milongas. When you get up to dance for a tanda, you are committing yourself to your partner for the duration of the tanda. You should dance together until the end of the tanda unless some of the following were to occur: You or your partner get hurt, your partner is hurting you, or your partner is being rude/disrespectful. In the last two situations, you would then say, "Thank you", to signify you are finished dancing and return to your seat. Of course, if the situation is bad enough, you wouldn't even say thank you :)

April 19, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Francisco Canaro
Singer: Ada Falcon
Year Recorded: 1932

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, the milongueros Beto Ayala and Amanda Lucero are dancing to a vals (i.e., waltz).

"Cortando camino"
Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Singer: Roberto Rufino
Year Recorded: 1941

Blog Post of The Week

In there is a wonderful article written by the milonguero Cacho Dante. In it, he speaks about the Tango of the past and where it is heading today.

Quote of The Week

"The important aspect of tango is 'the connection'. It is as a metaphor for life: connecting with those friends, connecting you with yourself and connecting to life itself. Tango involves opportunities, surprises, challenges, disappointments, delights and hopes."


Etiquette of The Week

SHOW TANGO  Argentine tango is not similar, in any way, shape or form, to "Dancing with the Stars" or "So You Think You Can Dance". Both men and women should respect the dance, the culture, their partner, and other dancers on the floor by dancing Tango in a way that does not hurt yourself, your partner, or others. This means no high flying legs, dramatic dips, or spins.

April 12, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra:Edgardo Donato
Year Recorded: 1929

Tango Video of The Week

El Pibe Avellaneda and Geraldine Rojas dance at the milonga “Porteno y Bailarin” in what was not even officially a performance – nor were they regular dance partners.  They are dancing to:

"El adios"
Orchestra: Edgardo Donato
Singer: Horacio Lagos
Year Recorded: 1938

Blog Post of The Week

In Twists & Tango: A Beginner's Journey Pantina talks about the aspects that make a tanguera a  mature dancer.

Quote of The Week

"When you're a beginner, you don't recognize good dancing. You're mesmerized by fancy and glitzy figures  and think 'I want to be able to do that' so you're drawn to that 'teacher'."

- Michael (Washington, DC)

Etiquette of The Week

COMPLIMENTS  Both men and women should take the time to compliment their partner when they are enjoying the dancing (at a minimum). There are many compliments that can be said and can include such things as having a comfortable embrace, dancing musically, leading/following well, looking good (done respectfully), wearing nice shoes, etc.  If all else fails, say, "Thank you" at the end of the tanda.

March 16, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Osvaldo Pugliese
Singer: Alberto Moran
Year Recorded: 1945

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, milongueros Pocho and Nelly are dancing to:

Orchestra: Osvaldo Pugliese
Year Recorded: 1947

Blog Post of The Week

Tango on My Mind talks about giving all you've got to your Tango - dance with confidence, without hesitation, and with gusto.

Quote of The Week

"To dance well, we must listen well, and if we're talking, then we're at most, only half listening. The music deserves more than that - or why dance?"


Etiquette of The Week

TALKING WHILE DANCING Men, you already have enough things to think about while dancing Tango such as leading, floor navigation, and taking care of the woman you are dancing with. This means you do not have the capacity to add talking to the list. Women, your role is to follow and give yourself to the man. Talking will make this task all but impossible. Aside from these points, the essence of Tango is found in the music. If you are talking over the music, you are ignoring the main component of the dance.

March 09, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Ricardo Tanturi
Year Recorded: 1938
Tango Video of The Week

Tango Video of The Week

In order to understand the importance of floorcraft and navigation, this video shows what a typical dancefloor can look like in the milongas of Buenos Aires. The full song that is played is: 

"Al compas del tango"
Orchestra: Ricardo Tanturi
Singer: Alberto Castillo
Year Recorded: 1942

Blog Post of The Week

You may or may not have heard the name Tim Ferriss. He has, in the past, made a mockery of Tango and you can read Mari's thoughts on him at My Tango Diaries.

Quote of The Week

"The tango can be debated, and we have debated over it, but it still encloses, as does all that which is truthful, a secret."
-Jorge Luis Borges

Etiquette of The Week

TEACHING ON THE DANCEFLOOR Do NOT do it! Men, when you are at a milonga, do not attempt to teach the follower a new move or how to do a step. If the follower does not follow your step, it is either too dificult for the woman or you are leading it incorrectly. The only carefully put feedback that may be appropriate at a milonga is when you are being hurt. Men can gently ask the follower to not lean or hang on them and women can ask men to not hold them so tightly or bare down/squeeze inwards with their left arm.

March 02, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Orquesta Tipica Victor
Singer: Angel Vargas
Year Recorded: 1938

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, the late Ricardo Vidort and partner Vilma Martinez are dancing to:

"El cencerro"
Year Recorded:

We are unsure of the details of this video's music selection. Should you know the info, please email us!

Blog Post of The Week

Here is poem posted at Alex Tango Fuego about the line of dance in Tango.

Quote of The Week

"Bad teachers taught me steps, great teachers taught me dancing."

-Victor Eijkhout

Etiquette of The Week

LINE OF DANCE Tango is a dance that moves in a counter-clockwise direction. It is important to maintain a consistent movement in a forward direction. If this is difficult for you to do, it may be a good idea to move to the centre of the floor.

February 22, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Alfredo De Angelis
Singer: Oscar Larroca
Year Recorded: 1953

Tango Video of The Week

This video is a heart-wrenching animated short that is simply beautiful. It features 2 songs. The first possibly taking place in the present era while the other is played while the couple reminisces.

"En tus brazos" 

Orchestra: Alfredo De Angelis
Singer: Oscar Larroca
Year Recorded: 1958

"El huracan"

Orchestra: Los Autenticos Reyes
Year Recorded: 2003

Blog Post of The Week

Here is a longer post at Tango Commuter asking and answering the perfect question. Why Tango? (Make sure to read the comments as well.)

Quote of The Week

"The beginning and the end of the tango is the walk."

-Robert Duvall

Etiquette of The Week

ATTIRE For a milonga, dress up a little. Dress to impress and do NOT wear jeans or sneakers. For a practica, dress comfortably and sensibly.

February 16, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Enrique Rodriguez
Singer: Armando Moreno
Year Recorded: 1941
Tango Video of The Week

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, Mamie and Carlitos, a young couple from Chile, dance a Tango. They are dancing to:

"En la buena y en la mala"
Orchestra: Enrique Rodriguez
Singer: Armando Moreno
Year Recorded: 1940

Blog Post of The Week

Here is a short post at Limerick Tango speaking about leading and following.

Quote of The Week

"Leave your militant feminism at the door or just get rid of it altogether because tango is old, tango is traditional, and tango is about the real differences and what we can each bring to the embrace. You might like finding this, it might shake things up inside."

-Elizabeth Brinton

Etiquette of The Week

AFTER THE TANDA Men: after dancing with a woman in a milonga, please walk her back to her seat. It may seem "old-fashioned", however it is likely that you met the woman at her seat for the dance and it is the action of a gentleman to return her to that spot. Women: allow the man to return you to your seat. Do not run away from him the minute the dance is over.

February 08, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Orquesta Pedro Laurenz
Singer: Alberto Podesta
Year Recorded: 1943

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, the milonguero Pedro Alberto "Tete" Rusconi is dancing with his partner Silvia Ceriana. The Tango world lost this great dancer recently, on January 7, 2010. He is dancing to:

"Orgullo Criollo"
Orchestra: Pedro Laurenz
Year Recorded: 1943

Blog Post of The Week

Here is a post at Tango Chamuyo speaking about women leading in Tango.

Quote of The Week

"To those who complicate tango it can always be made simpler.
To those who simplify tango it will always reveal complexities."

-Limerick Tango

Etiquette of The Week

RESPECT Men: dancing Tango is not the time to disrespect women (in fact it is an opportunity for you to show great respect for women and to take care of them). Keep your hips back, hold her firmly, but gently, and behave like a gentleman. Women: If at any time you feel uncomfortable while dancing with a man, say thank you (to signal you are finished dancing with that person) and walk away.

February 01, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Singer: Alberto Echague
Year Recorded: 1947

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, a young couple by the names Javier Rodriguez and Geraldine Paludi (nee Rojas) dance an incredible Tango. They no longer dance together, but are believed by many to have been the best Tango couple that ever existed. They are dancing to the following:

Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Singer: Alberto Echague
Year Recorded: 1939

Blog Post of The Week

Here is a post at Vos tambien tenes tu historia reminding dancers that quality is more important than quantity.

Quote of The Week

"Thinking gets in the way of the dance. The embrace is more important than the steps. The music tells us how to dance what we feel."


Etiquette of The Week

THE EMBRACE   should be comfortable and gentle. There is no squeezing, no head pushing, and please be aware of where you place your right hand gentlemen. This includes not reaching too far around the woman or placing your hand on her neck or waist - these are intimate areas.

January 26, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Ricardo Tanturi
Singer: Alberto Castillo
Year Recorded: 1942

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, a milonguero by the name El Chino Perico dances a lovely Tango. He is dancing to the following:

"Oigo tu voz"
Orchestra: Ricardo Tanturi
Singer: Enrique Campos
Year Recorded: 1943

Blog Post of The Week

Here is a post at Hans Peter Meyer talking about how his Tango teacher is focusing on the walk in classes.

Quote of The Week

"It is the job of any foreigner (or Porteno for that matter) who wants to dance tango well, to search for this experience. Not to feel the music in terms of his own culture, or to try to take some of the "steps" of tango and dance them to some other music. You are welcome to do this, of course. And it may be fun and creative... and maybe even beautiful. But you will not be dancing Argentine tango if you do.

Why is this so? It is because the people who wrote this music, and the poetic words that go with much of it, are from the world of the Buenos Aires milongas. The things they are saying come from that world, and were written for it. Their words have the smell of the old clubs, and of the arrabal where they were written. They went to the milongas, and hung out and danced with the people there. The words and music they wrote are about struggling with life and survival, and love and loneliness in old time Buenos Aires. They affected the people in the milongas and the ways they danced, and more importantly the people and their dancing affected what they wrote and the way they played the music. These are the things you are supposed to feel when you dance tango."

Etiquette of The Week

ASK POLITELY When asking someone at a practica or a milonga to dance, do so politely.  As well, do not assume the answer will be yes - accept rejection graciously.  It is acceptable for a follower to initiate a dance offer when there is an absence of the traditional "cabaceo" (to be spoken about in future posts).  Feel free to introduce yourself and then verbally ask for a dance.  Do not stick out your hand without verbalizing the question - this is presumptuous on your part.  Look for those who are interested in dancing and avoid bothering anyone who has no desire to dance.  If you must interrupt a conversation for a dance, do so discreetly.

January 16, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Singer: Alberto Podesta
Year Recorded: 1944

Tango Video of The Week

In order to better understand where our Tango comes from, we thought it only fitting to share a video of our Maestro, Andres Laza Moreno. He is dancing to the following:

Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Singer: Roberto Florio
Year Recorded: 1956

Blog Post of The Week

The blog "Tango Voice" is attempting to give out accurate information about Argentine Tango to North Americans. Here is a post entitled "Radio Free North America / The Voice of Tango Argentino". Take the time to read the other posts written there - it's well worth it!

Quote of The Week

"A woman is not a marionette. She should be treated like she is the most precious thing in your arms."

- the late Carlos Gavito

Etiquette of The Week

SMELL GOOD Tango involves being in very close contact with another person and that person deserves to smell a clean you. Be showered, wear deodorant, wear clean clothes, and have gum or mints on hand. Perfume or cologne are not always a good idea. If you plan to wear some, apply only a light dab or small squirt.