May 10, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Year Recorded: 1944

Tango Video of The Week

A young couple by the name Dante Sanchez & Angelica Avalos dance quite simply, cleanly, and musically at the well-known Saturday milonga Sunderland Club. They are dancing to:

"El Ingeniero"
Orchestra: Carlos Di Sarli
Year Recorded: 1945

Blog Post of The Week

Sandra Mok wrote an article for the Argentine Tango school in Taipei regarding Javier Rodriguez, one of our influential Tango teachers in Buenos Aires. Read the article here and see what she learned about the importance of the embrace and attitude in Tango.

Quote of The Week

"The music goes in my ears, is filtered through my heart, and comes out through my feet."

- "El Flaco" Dany Garcia

Etiquette of The Week

SURRENDER  One of the elements of Tango that makes it so different from so many other dances is the idea that if you are not truly embracing your partner and listening and dancing to the music, you are not really dancing the dance. In order to dance Tango, you must surrender. Surrender yourself to your partner, surrender yourself to the music, and surrender yourself to the dance.