May 04, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Francisco Canaro
Singer: Ernesto Fama
Year Recorded: 1939

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, the old and new generations of Tango come together to dance to a milonga rhythm. Unfortunately, we do not know the specifics of this song, but the dancers are Luna Palacios and the milonguero "El Flaco" Dani Garcia.

Blog Post of The Week

At Naomi Hotta's website you can find 10 great tips for Tango dancers.

Quote of The Week

"...the music is king and the embrace is the thing."


Etiquette of The Week

COLLISIONS  It is good manners to apologize when you are involved in a collision with another couple - even when it isn't your fault. However, if flying legs, spins or dips were a result of the collision, feel free to educate the couple on proper floorcraft etiquette.