September 29, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Year Recorded: 1937

Tango Video of The Week

This weekend (September 24th, 2010) the Milonguero Alberto Dassieu, and his partner Paulina Spinoso, will be visiting and teaching in Toronto (hosted by Paradiso). In this video, Alberto dances a "vals" (Tango waltz) with the Milonguera Elba Biscay.

"Valsecito Criollo"
Orchestra: Juan D'Arienzo
Year Recorded: 1937

Blog Post of The Week

"Tango Principles" has a wealth of historical information to share from his collection of experiences in Buenos Aires. In this post, he shares many important things he was told by the "old-timers".

Quote of The Week

"El tango es uno."
"The tango is one" or "There is only one tango."

"This is, in my opinion, the most important saying of the old-timers, which will probably sound very controversial nowadays. It points at the fact that tango dancing has a certain essential nature, that what is "good tango" is not arbitrary."

- Anonymous Milonguero on Tango Principles

Etiquette of The Week

RESPECT TANGO  Argentine Tango is more than a dance and more than just steps. Argentine Tango encompasses traditions, codes, and a culture. To cast these aside is to disrespect them. Take the time to educate yourself on all the aspects of Argentine Tango.