April 26, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Angel D'Agostino
Singer: Angel Vargas
Year Recorded: 1945

Tango Video of The Week

This lovely young couple are a delight to watch. Here, Roxana Suarez and Sebastian Achaval dance in the famous milonga "Sunderland Club"

"Cafe Dominguez"
Orchestra: Angel D'Agostino
Singer/Narrator: Julian Centeya
Year Recorded: 1955

Blog Post of The Week

Tango Cherie speaks about foreigners who go to Buenos Aires for Tango but do not expose themselves to the culture that makes Tango what it is.

Quote of The Week

"Tango is in the imperfections."

- mytangodiaries.blogspot.com

Etiquette of The Week

A TANDA  Although the codes are not strict here in North America, there is still an etiquette involved when it comes to dancing a tanda. A tanda is a collection of either 4 Tangos, 3 Vals, or 3 Milongas. When you get up to dance for a tanda, you are committing yourself to your partner for the duration of the tanda. You should dance together until the end of the tanda unless some of the following were to occur: You or your partner get hurt, your partner is hurting you, or your partner is being rude/disrespectful. In the last two situations, you would then say, "Thank you", to signify you are finished dancing and return to your seat. Of course, if the situation is bad enough, you wouldn't even say thank you :)