October 18, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra: Lucio Demare
Singers: Juan Carlos Miranda
Year Recorded: 1942

Tango Video of The Week

In this video, Jorge Dispari & Maria del Carmen (parents of well-known dancers Samantha Dispari and Geraldine Rojas/Paludi) dance a Tango while touring in Belgium.

"Tres esquinas"
Orchestra: Angel D'Agostino
Singer: Angel Vargas
Year Recorded: 1941

Blog Post of The Week

Seeing as the video for this week is Jorge Dispari, it seems only fitting to share a blog post by "En tus brazos" that relays the lessons taught by Dispari in a class taken by the tanguera Golondria.

Quote of The Week

"The embrace should be an embrace and not just finger tips. The women should have a little upwards pressure. The man should enclose her."

- Jorge Dispari as rephrased by Golondrina of "En tus brazos" blog

Etiquette of The Week