April 12, 2010


Music of The Week

Orchestra:Edgardo Donato
Year Recorded: 1929

Tango Video of The Week

El Pibe Avellaneda and Geraldine Rojas dance at the milonga “Porteno y Bailarin” in what was not even officially a performance – nor were they regular dance partners.  They are dancing to:

"El adios"
Orchestra: Edgardo Donato
Singer: Horacio Lagos
Year Recorded: 1938

Blog Post of The Week

In Twists & Tango: A Beginner's Journey Pantina talks about the aspects that make a tanguera a  mature dancer.

Quote of The Week

"When you're a beginner, you don't recognize good dancing. You're mesmerized by fancy and glitzy figures  and think 'I want to be able to do that' so you're drawn to that 'teacher'."

- Michael (Washington, DC)

Etiquette of The Week

COMPLIMENTS  Both men and women should take the time to compliment their partner when they are enjoying the dancing (at a minimum). There are many compliments that can be said and can include such things as having a comfortable embrace, dancing musically, leading/following well, looking good (done respectfully), wearing nice shoes, etc.  If all else fails, say, "Thank you" at the end of the tanda.